1960s Timeline
Politics | Culture | Entertainment | Sports
May 4, 1963 - JFK Tape-Recorded Remarks on Civil Rights
Willie Mays Receives Numerous Gifts and Presidential Telegram
President Kennedy Pushes Mental Health Campaign
President Kennedy’s Chef Becomes U.S. Citizen
Two Americans Raise Stars and Stripes on Mount Everest
President Kennedy Meets with Medal of Honor Winners
May 2, 1963 - JFK Remarks to Medal of Honor Recipients
President Kennedy Meets with Congressional Wives
First Lady Enjoys Royal Ballet at Metropolitan Opera House in New York
President and Mrs. Kennedy Present Grand Duchess Charlotte with Elizabethan Program at White House
JFK Brother-In-Law, Stephen Smith, Running ’64 Campaign — For Now
Ike Speaks Out on Cuba
Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy Visits Atlanta
Attorney General Kennedy Guarded Closely in Alabama
Goldwater: JFK Peddling “Fear-of-War Psychosis”
Burnett, Stevenson, Cronkite Win Peabody Awards
JFK Hits Back at Nixon on Cuba
Search Is On for Slayer of Baltimore Mailman
President Kennedy Upstaged By Toddler
President Kennedy Presents Teacher of the Year Award