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1960s Timeline
Politics | Culture | Entertainment | Sports

May 4, 2023
May 4, 1963 - JFK Tape-Recorded Remarks on Civil Rights
May 4, 1963 - At a White House meeting today, President Kennedy described the situation for Negroes in Birmingham as "intolerable." As ...

May 3, 2023
Willie Mays Receives Numerous Gifts and Presidential Telegram
May 3, 1963 - President Kennedy sent a telegram to Willie Mays tonight on the occasion of “Willie Mays Night” at the Polo Grounds. The...

May 3, 2023
President Kennedy Pushes Mental Health Campaign
May 3, 1963 - President Kennedy said today he could think of nothing that “would be more important and lasting” than to mount a massive...

May 2, 2023
President Kennedy’s Chef Becomes U.S. Citizen
May 2, 1963 - The French chef at the White House is now a French-American chef. He has become a United States citizen. René Verdon...

May 2, 2023
Two Americans Raise Stars and Stripes on Mount Everest
May 2, 1963 - Two men of an American expedition have raised the Stars and Stripes on the summit of Mount Everest. They reached the...

May 2, 2023
President Kennedy Meets with Medal of Honor Winners
May 2, 1963 - President Kennedy paid tribute at the White House today to 240 holders of the Medal of Honor, men whom he called “our most...

May 2, 2023
May 2, 1963 - JFK Remarks to Medal of Honor Recipients
May 2, 1963 - Here are President Kennedy’s remarks today to a group of Congressional Medal of Honor recipients in the White House Rose...

May 2, 2023
President Kennedy Meets with Congressional Wives
May 2, 1963 - President Kennedy interrupted his busy White House schedule today to praise the sacrifices of Congressional wives. He spoke...

May 2, 2023
First Lady Enjoys Royal Ballet at Metropolitan Opera House in New York
May 2, 1963 - The elegantly dressed audience that attended the performance of the Royal Ballet at the Metropolitan Opera House last night...

Apr 30, 2023
President and Mrs. Kennedy Present Grand Duchess Charlotte with Elizabethan Program at White House
Apr. 30, 1963 - The poetry and music of Elizabethan England echoed in the White House tonight after a dinner for a monarch of a modern...

Apr 30, 2023
JFK Brother-In-Law, Stephen Smith, Running ’64 Campaign — For Now
Apr. 30, 1963 - The White House is approaching the 1964 Presidential campaign with only one major change in the team that managed John F....

Apr 27, 2023
Ike Speaks Out on Cuba
Apr. 27, 1963 - Former President Dwight D. Eisenhower said yesterday that only a “genius and prophet” could have known for sure that...

Apr 26, 2023
Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy Visits Atlanta
Apr. 26, 1963 - Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy, visiting Atlanta on Confederate Memorial Day, praised progress made in Georgia and...

Apr 25, 2023
Attorney General Kennedy Guarded Closely in Alabama
Apr. 25, 1963 - Fifty state troopers armed with nightsticks, other state policemen in plain clothes, two dozen FBI agents, and a...

Apr 25, 2023
Goldwater: JFK Peddling “Fear-of-War Psychosis”
Apr. 25, 1963 - Senator Barry Goldwater (R-Ariz.), in reply to a challenge from President Kennedy, said today he was not afraid of going...

Apr 24, 2023
Burnett, Stevenson, Cronkite Win Peabody Awards
Apr. 24, 1963 - Carol Burnett (pictured), Adlai Stevenson, and Walter Cronkite were among the winners of George Foster Peabody Awards...

Apr 24, 2023
JFK Hits Back at Nixon on Cuba
Apr. 24, 1963 - Replying at his news conference to a speech last Saturday by former Vice President Richard M. Nixon, President Kennedy...

Apr 24, 2023
Search Is On for Slayer of Baltimore Mailman
Apr. 24, 1963 - In Attalla, Alabama today, state and county authorities began a massive search for the slayer of a white Baltimore...

Apr 23, 2023
President Kennedy Upstaged By Toddler
Apr. 23, 1963 - President Kennedy was upstaged today by a 17-month-old girl from the United Arab Republic who chattered, waved her arms,...

Apr 22, 2023
President Kennedy Presents Teacher of the Year Award
Apr. 22, 1963 - Here are President Kennedy’s remarks today to Mr. Elmon Ousley upon presentation of the 1963 National Teacher of the Year...
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