1960s Timeline
Politics | Culture | Entertainment | Sports
Defense Department: Soviet Bombers Being Shipped Out of Cuba
The First Lady is a Celebrity
JFK to Visit Costa Rica Next Year
President and First Lady Lead Benefit for National Cultural Center
Air Force Missile Crews Went On “Maximum Alert” During Cuban Crisis
Nov. 27, 1962 - JFK Greets President of Somalia
Joint Birthday Party for Kennedy Children
JFK Meets with Somali Premier
Nov. 26, 1962 - JFK at Homestead Air Force Base
JFK Honors Reconnaissance Fliers
Birthday Time for President’s Children
Film on First Lady’s Asian Trip Planned
JFK Spreads Thanksgiving Cheer
Nov. 21, 1962 - JFK: Landing on Moon before Soviets "Our Top Priority"
Mississippi Senate Expresses “Utter Contempt” for Kennedy Administration
President Kennedy Lifts Naval Blockade of Cuba
Nov. 20, 1962 - JFK Announces Executive Order on Discrimination in Federal Housing
Nov. 20, 1962 - JFK Remarks on Khrushchev and Christmas Plans
Nov. 20, 1962 - JFK Comments on "News Suppression" during Cuban Crisis
Nov. 20, 1962 - JFK Statement on Lifting the Naval Quarantine of Cuba