1960s Timeline
Politics | Culture | Entertainment | Sports
Ike Hits Kennedy, Backs Nixon for Governor
California Congressman Dead in Plane Crash
Kennedy: Would Have Taken Years to Recover if Meredith Had Been Killed or Injured
Ole Miss Football Game Transferred to Jackson for Fear of More Rioting
Goldberg Sworn In as Supreme Court Justice
President Kennedy Expresses Dismay Over Death of French Newsman
Kennedy Delivers Televised Address on Mississippi Crisis
Sept. 30, 1962 - JFK Report to the Nation on Situation at University of Mississippi
President Kennedy Meets with British Foreign Secretary
🚨JFK Calls Mississippi National Guard Into Service
Hundreds of Troops Ordered to Mississippi
Alabama Governor Calls JFK “Dictator”
Tensions Mount in Mississippi
Federal Troops Likely in Mississippi
Sept. 25, 1962 - JFK Remarks at Swearing-In of Willard Wirtz as Sec. of Labor
Sept. 25, 1962 - JFK Remarks on Bunker Hill Painting
Jackie Robinson Criticizes Northern Negroes
Sept. 24, 1962 - JFK Welcomes President of Pakistan
First Lady Helps Celebrate Opening of Philharmonic Hall
Sept. 21, 1962 - JFK Phone Remarks to Democrats in Ohio