1960s Timeline
Politics | Culture | Entertainment | Sports
Ike Visits JFK at White House
JFK Boosts Ready Reserves as International Tension Mounts
Sept. 6, 1962 - JFK Recorded Message to Steelworkers Convention
Sept. 5, 1962 - JFK Remarks to International Students
RFK: Kennedy Name Won’t Help Ted
President Applauds the Schola Cantorum
Sept. 4, 1962 - JFK to Members of Schola Cantorum
JFK: U.S. Will Use “Whatever Means Necessary” to Prevent Cuban Aggression
Tensions Rise with Cuba
President Welcomes Wife and Daughter Home
Aug. 31, 1962 - JFK Remarks for CBS-TV Economics Program
Aug. 31, 1962 - JFK Remarks for United Fund Campaign
Aug. 31, 1962 - JFK Remarks Upon Signing the Satellite Act
Kennedy Designates Wirtz Secretary of Labor
Aug. 30, 1962 - JFK Remarks to Elderly Peace Corps Volunteers
President Praises Elderly Peace Corpsmen
President to Chair 10th International Olympic Games for the Deaf in 1965
Main Points of President’s News Conference
President Hits Opponents of Foreign Aid Program
JFK: U.S. Will Not Invade Cuba