1960s Timeline
Politics | Culture | Entertainment | Sports
Aug. 17, 1962 - JFK Speaks at Castle Air Force Base in California
Aug. 17, 1962 - JFK Speaks in Pueblo, Colorado (2/2)
Aug. 17, 1962 - JFK Speaks in Pueblo, Colorado (1/2)
Aug. 17, 1962 - JFK Speaks in South Dakota
Video: President Kennedy in Colorado
President Kennedy Speaks in Pueblo, Colorado
Aug. 16, 1962 - JFK Remarks to Naval Surgeons General
Aug. 16, 1962 - JFK Remarks on Signing Water Bill
Mets to Honor Stan Musial
Video: President Visits Coast Guard Training Barque “Eagle”
Aug. 15, 1962 - JFK Remarks to American Indians
Aug. 15, 1962 - JFK Remarks to Coast Guard Cadets
President Addresses Naval Cadets
Mrs. Kennedy Dines in Capri
Aug. 13, 1962 - Clip from JFK's Speech on Taxes
Aug. 14, 1962 - JFK Remarks to "Mr. Rehabilitation of 1962"
Aug. 13, 1962 - JFK Speech on the Economy (clip)
Video: President Kennedy on the Economy
President Rejects Immediate Tax Cut
Mrs. Kennedy Goes Sailing in Italy