1960s Timeline
Politics | Culture | Entertainment | Sports
Oswald Faces Death Penalty in Texas if Convicted
JFK’s Body in Closed, Flag-Draped Coffin in East Room of White House
Khrushchev Offers Condolences to U.S. on Death of President Kennedy
🚨Lee Harvey Oswald Formally Charged with Assassinating President Kennedy
Truman on Assassination: “I Am Shocked Beyond Words”
New Yorkers Express Shock and Dismay over President Kennedy’s Assassination
In Los Angeles, Grief and Revulsion over Assassination
TV Networks Alter Programming in Wake of Assassination
[VIDEO] Nov. 22, 1963 | Speaker McCormack Statement on JFK Assassination
Oswald Charged with Murder of Dallas Policeman
President Kennedy’s Body Taken to Naval Hospital at Bethesda
Oswald Interrogation Transcript
Johnson’s First Call as President Is to President Kennedy’s Mother
🚨Lyndon B. Johnson Sworn In as 35th President of the United States
🚨Lee Harvey Oswald, 24, Suspected in Assassination of President and Murder of Dallas Policeman
🚨Suspect in Murder of Dallas Policeman Arrested at Texas Movie Theater
John F. Kennedy Fourth President To Be Assassinated
🚨President Kennedy Is Dead
Dallas Police Officer Murdered in Dallas; Possible Connection to Shooting of President
🚨Report of President’s Death Not Officially Confirmed