1960s Timeline
Politics | Culture | Entertainment | Sports

U.S. Army Helicopters Arrive in South Vietnam

President Relaxes in Palm Beach

Weekly Seminars Held at Attorney General's Home

U.S. Urges Non-Communist Nations to Back South Vietnam

President Address Convention of Young Democratic Clubs

Director Hoover Speaks on Crime and Communism

Death Threat Draws More Security for President Kennedy

Communist China Supporting North Vietnam

Unemployment Rate Drops

Kennedy Speaks at AFL-CIO Convention

Khrushchev Says Kennedy Won't Go Communist for a "Very Long Time"

President Kennedy Wants to Increase International Trade

President Kennedy Says Nation Is Under-Exercised

U.S. Sends Dogs of War to Vietnam

The First Lady Supports UNICEF

Castro Embraces Communism

U.N. Ambassador Stevenson Denounces Communist China

A Lodge May Face a Kennedy Again in Mass. Senate Election

Vice President Johnson Defends Anti-Communist Speech

Attorney General Kennedy Deplores Racial Violence in Mississippi