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1960s Timeline
Politics | Culture | Entertainment | Sports

Nov 17, 2023
First Lady to Travel through Texas with President Kennedy
Nov. 17, 1963 - Accompanied by the First Lady, President Kennedy will journey to Texas on Thursday and Friday for political appearances...

Nov 17, 2023
President Kennedy to Swing through Florida Tomorrow
Nov. 17, 1963 - President Kennedy (pictured at Cape Canaveral yesterday) will make a “nonpolitical” swing through Florida tomorrow and...

Nov 16, 2023
President Kennedy Visits Cape Canaveral
Nov. 16, 1963 - At Cape Canaveral, Fla., today, President Kennedy (pictured being greeted there by Air Force General Leighton Davis)...

Nov 16, 2023
Armless Place-Kicker Receives Letter from President Kennedy
Nov. 16, 1963 - Classical High School’s armless place-kicker has received a fan letter from President Kennedy. Fifteen-year-old Chris...

Nov 15, 2023
Vice President Johnson Raises Funds for Democrats in California
Nov. 15, 1963 - The California Democratic party’s campaign for 1964 appears to be off to a good start almost a year before the election....

Nov 15, 2023
President Kennedy Pays Surprise Visit to CYO Convention
Nov. 15, 1963 - President Kennedy made a surprise visit this morning to the national convention of the Catholic Youth Organization and...

Nov 15, 2023
President Kennedy Speaks at AFL-CIO Convention
Nov. 15, 1963 - President Kennedy told the leaders of American labor today that providing jobs was the most important issue in the...

Nov 14, 2023
President Forgoes Customary Escort in NYC
Nov. 14, 1963 - Traveling without a motorcycle escort, President Kennedy got a commuter’s-eye view of New York rush-hour traffic this...

Nov 14, 2023
President Kennedy Dedicates Highway at Mason-Dixon Line
Nov. 14, 1963 - President Kennedy cut a blue and gray ribbon stretched across the Mason-Dixon line today, opening the missing link of a...

Nov 14, 2023
Highlights of President Kennedy’s Press Conference
Nov. 14, 1963 - Following are the main points of President Kennedy’s news conference today: Vietnam — The United States’ long-range...

Nov 14, 2023
First Lady Plans to Campaign with President Kennedy in ‘64
Nov. 14, 1963 - Mrs. Jacqueline Kennedy (pictured during the 1960 Presidential campaign) is planning to campaign with President Kennedy...

Nov 13, 2023
Kennedys See Black Watch Regiment
Nov. 13, 1963 - Caroline and John F. Kennedy Jr. were among 1,700 children who watched the pipes, drums, and dancers of the Black Watch,...

Nov 11, 2023
President Kennedy Joins Veterans Day Ceremonies
Nov. 11, 1963 - President Kennedy placed a wreath on the Tomb of the Unknowns today as the nation honored its war veterans. Veterans Day...

Nov 10, 2023
Democratic Party Turmoil in Texas
Nov. 10, 1963 - The rejection of a poll tax repeal by Texas voters means President Kennedy will have to work all the harder to save the...

Nov 9, 2023
President Kennedy Retires to Virginia Estate for Weekend
Nov. 9, 1963 - President Kennedy left Idlewild Airport at 1:05 p.m. today after a 19-hour visit to New York City, and by midafternoon was...

Nov 8, 2023
President Kennedy Blasts Foreign Aid Critics
Nov. 8, 1963 - President Kennedy accused foes of his foreign aid program tonight of indulging in an outburst of “petty irritation and...

Nov 8, 2023
First Lady to Resume Hostess Duties Later this Month
Nov. 8, 1963 - Mrs. Jacqueline Kennedy will resume her White House duties as hostess on November 20, more than a month earlier than...

Nov 7, 2023
DNC Plans Star-Studded Fundraiser for President Kennedy in January
Nov. 7, 1963 - The Democratic National Committee is planning another big celebration — and fundraising affair — to mark the third...

Nov 7, 2023
President Kennedy Calls for Greater Efforts to Assist Handicapped
Nov. 7, 1963 - President Kennedy called for greater efforts today to employ the handicapped. He appealed to labor, private industry, and...

Nov 6, 2023
First Lady to Join President Kennedy for November Swing Through Texas
Nov. 6, 1963 - Mrs. Jacqueline Kennedy will join President Kennedy in a Democratic Party fundraising swing into Texas Nov. 21 and 22,...
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