1960s Timeline
Politics | Culture | Entertainment | Sports
Meredith Harassed as He Registers for Classes at Campus Under Military Occupation
Barnett Loses Support of Southern Governors
Newsmen Attacked in Oxford, Miss. Rioting
U.S. Marshals and National Guardsmen Battle Rioters at Oxford, Miss.
🚨Students and Others Riot at University of Mississippi
🚨JFK Calls Mississippi National Guard Into Service
Hundreds of Troops Ordered to Mississippi
Dr. King Punched by American Nazi
Tensions Continue to Rise in Mississippi
Alabama Governor Calls JFK “Dictator”
RFK on Mississippi: Federal Government Will Do “Whatever Is Necessary”
Tensions Mount in Mississippi
Mr. President Sees “Mr. President”
Federal Troops Likely in Mississippi
Barnett Cited for Contempt of Court
Gov. Barnett Again Thwarts Meredith Enrollment at Ole Miss
Jackie Robinson Criticizes Northern Negroes
Americans Mark Centennial of Emancipation Proclamation
Barnett Blocks Meredith at Ole Miss
Dr. King Arrives in New York