1960s Timeline
Politics | Culture | Entertainment | Sports
RFK Gives Update on JFK Memorial Library
Reuther Cool to Endorsement of RFK for VP
RFK Speaks in Scranton
Mrs. Kennedy Visits JFK’s Grave on St. Patrick’s Day
RFK: No Feud with Johnson
Committee to Draft RFK for VP Incorporated in Wisconsin
Lodge Casts Shadow over New Hampshire Primary
New Hampshire Governor: RFK Write-In Campaign to Continue
Write-In Campaign for RFK
Millions Pledged for JFK Library
Hoffa Convicted
Attorney General Gives Christmas Party at Justice Department
Hoffa Denies Kennedy Quote
JFK Awarded Posthumous Presidential Medal of Freedom
Robert Kennedy Returns to Work
President Kennedy’s Body Taken to Naval Hospital at Bethesda
Robert Kennedy to Stay Attorney General but “Plans Could Change”
Robert Kennedy Testifies on Behalf of Civil Rights Bill
RFK Commends LAPD in Fight Against Organized Crime
RFK Testifies before Senate Committee on Organized Crime