1960s Timeline
Politics | Culture | Entertainment | Sports
Cary Grant Joins RFK to Plug Dropout Drive
Robert Kennedy Interviewed on NBC-TV
RFK: We’ll Use Troops in Alabama if Necessary
Attorney General Pays Surprise Visit to New York
JFK: No Evidence MLK Is Communist or Communist-Controlled
Attorney General’s Son, Christopher George Kennedy, Is Christened; JFK in Attendance
Robert and Ethel Kennedy Take Their 8th Child Home from Hospital
Robert and Ethel Kennedy Welcome Eighth Child, a Boy
RFK Likens Black Muslims to Klan
RFK Pushes Administration’s Civil Rights Bill
JFK’s Popularity Dips, Still 59% Favorable
Attorney General Makes Concession on Civil Rights Legislation
Robert F. Kennedy Runs the Justice Department — but not Brumus, Newfoundland Dog
RFK Reportedly Has Heated Discussion with Prominent Negroes
RFK Pushes Domestic Peace Corps
🚨President Kennedy Activates Federal Troops in Alabama
President Kennedy Sees Possible Settlement in Birmingham
Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy Visits Atlanta
New School Desegregation Crisis Approaching in Alabama
Attorney General Kennedy Guarded Closely in Alabama