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1960s Timeline
Politics | Culture | Entertainment | Sports
Jul 5, 2021
Yankees Clobber Indians, 6-0
July 5, 1961 - The Cleveland Indians, who have fallen on evil days in recent weeks, proved to be just the ticket for the Yankees after...
Jul 5, 2021
Yankees Split Doubleheader with Tigers
July 4, 1961 - Responding to the roars of the season's largest baseball gathering, a crowd of 74,246, the Yankees stormed into the ...
Jul 5, 2021
Ford and Spahn Likely All-Star Starters
July 3, 1961 - Roger Maris, Mickey Mantle, Willie Mays, and Eddie Mathews were the only repeaters from 1960 named today to the starting...
Jul 5, 2021
Yankees Win as Maris Hits 28th Homer
July 1, 1961 - The Yankees staged a home-run festival and defeated the Senators, 7-6, before 24,144 fascinated spectators at the...
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