1960s Timeline
Politics | Culture | Entertainment | Sports
[VIDEO] Mar. 4, 1964 | Cassius Clay and Malcolm X Interview
Nov. 27, 1962 - JFK Greets President of Somalia
Algerian Premier Arrives in Cuba
Algerian Premier Welcomed to Washington
Africans Impressed by Kennedy’s Handling of Mississippi Crisis
Oct. 10, 1962 - JFK Welcomes Guinea's President Sékou Touré to Washington
President Kennedy Meets President of Guinea
JFK Remarks to Participants of Operation Crossroads Africa (OCA)
President Kennedy Welcomes Congolese Premier to White House
President Kennedy Welcomes Senegalese President to U.S.
🚨Dag Hammarskjold Killed in African Plane Crash
Peace Corps Workers Fly Off to Ghana
William F. Buckley Roils Student Convention over Remarks on Africa
Broad-Billed Roller Acquired by Bronx Zoo
In Africa, Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy Affirms U.S. Civil Rights Goals
William Holden to Star in Adventure Film "The Lion"