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1960s Timeline
Politics | Culture | Entertainment | Sports
Mar 29
[VIDEO] Mar. 27, 1964 | Alaska Earthquake Newsreel
Mar. 29, 1964 - A destructive, death-dealing earthquake struck the city of Anchorage and several smaller Alaskan towns this week. In...
Mar 28
Tidal Waves Wreck Business District of Crescent City, California
Mar. 28, 1964 - Tidal waves 12 to 15 feet high, set off by the Alaskan earthquake, swept out of the Pacific early today and wrecked the...
Mar 27
Massive Earthquake Strikes Alaska
Mar. 27, 1964 - A destructive, death-dealing earthquake struck the city of Anchorage and several smaller Alaskan towns today. In Juneau,...
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