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1960s Timeline
Politics | Culture | Entertainment | Sports
Aug 6, 2022
American Nazi Rockwell Meets British Counterpart
Aug. 6, 1962 - Colin Jordan (pictured), the leader of the British National Socialist Movement, said today that George Lincoln Rockwell,...
Jun 25, 2022
Anti-Semitic Violence Flares in Argentina
June 25, 1962 - An anti-Semitic attack on a girl university student was denounced today by the Argentine-Israeli Association, which urged...
Jan 23, 2022
Rockwell Applies for Permit to Speak in NYC on Hitler's Birthday
Jan. 23, 1962 - George Lincoln Rockwell, leader of the American Nazi party, has applied for a permit to hold a rally in New York’s Union...
Aug 9, 2021
Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy Won't Give American Nazis "Free Publicity"
Aug. 9, 1961 - Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy has informed Republican Senator Kenneth B. Keating of New York that he opposes branding...
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