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1960s Timeline
Politics | Culture | Entertainment | Sports
Aug 31, 2023
Georges Braque Is Dead
Aug. 31, 1963 - Georges Braque (pictured in 1950), one of modern France’s outstanding painters and decorators, died today in his studio...
Jan 8, 2023
The “Mona Lisa” Unveiled in Washington, D.C.
Jan. 8, 1963 - The “Mona Lisa” was unveiled to official and diplomatic Washington tonight. The painting had been languishing in a guarded...
May 14, 2022
Franz Kline, Abstract Painter, Dead at 52
May 14, 1962 - Franz Kline, of 242 West 14th Street, a leader in the abstract expressionist school of painting in New York and of the...
Apr 29, 2022
A New Art Form Called "Happenings"
Apr. 29, 1962 - The “In” people of New York are discovering a new, far-out entertainment called a “Happening.” Greenwich Village...
Mar 1, 2022
Fifteen Paintings by Gorky Lost in Plane Crash Today
Mar. 1, 1962 - A collection of about 15 works by the late Arshile Gorky (pictured) were reported this evening to have been lost in the...
Jan 30, 2022
Artworks Collected by Governor Rockefeller's Son En Route to New York
Jan. 30, 1962 - Objects of primitive art collected by Michael Rockefeller (pictured center) before he was lost off the southern coast of...
Jan 27, 2022
Portrait of Benjamin Franklin to Adorn White House
Jan. 27, 1962 - The first major acquisition in Mrs. Jacqueline Kennedy’s campaign to improve White House art works was announced in Palm...
Jan 2, 2022
Kurt Seligmann, Surrealist Painter, Accidentally Kills Himself
Jan. 2, 1962 - Kurt Seligmann (pictured in 1946), 61-year-old artist, author, and costume designer, killed himself accidentally today...
Sep 4, 2021
Soviet Premier Khrushchev Plays Art Critic for a Day
Sept. 4, 1961 - Premier Khrushchev went on record today as favoring art that depicted a cow as a cow. Lifting a champagne glass at the...
Sep 1, 2021
Grandma Moses, Nearing 101, Still Young at Heart
Sept. 1, 1961 - Anna Mary Robertson Moses, the American folk artist better known as Grandma Moses, approaches her 101st birthday still...
Jul 29, 2021
Six Picasso Paintings Stolen from Pittsburgh Home of Millionaire Industrialist
July 29, 1961 - Ten paintings by four masters of modern art were stolen from the Pittsburgh home of G. David Thompson (pictured), a...
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