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1960s Timeline
Politics | Culture | Entertainment | Sports

Integrated Easter Service Led by Billy Graham in Birmingham
Mar. 29, 1964 - Whites and Negroes in Birmingham, Ala., long estranged by racial discord, found common ground today in an Easter service...
Mar 29, 2024

TV: NBC Special on Rev. Billy Graham
Nov. 29, 1961 - The Rev. Dr. Billy Graham, the world-traveling evangelist, will be the subject of a television portrait tonight on NBC....
Nov 29, 2021

Movies: "King of Kings" Criticized by New York Minister
Nov. 5, 1961 - The Rev. A. DeWitt Mallary Jr., vicar of St. Thomas Protestant Episcopal Chapel in New York City, took issue in his sermon...
Nov 5, 2021

Castro Goes after Church, Vatican Concerned
Sept. 12, 1961 - The Cuban Government launched a fresh attack against the Roman Catholic Church today. It accused priests and nuns of...
Sep 12, 2021

Billy Graham to Youth: Only Marry People of Faith
Sept. 10, 1961 - Reverend Billy Graham said today that the U.S. had more unhappy marriages now than ever. Only social pressures and...
Sep 10, 2021

Movie: "Francis of Assisi"
July 27, 1961 - Today's new film is "Francis of Assisi," a Twentieth Century-Fox biographical drama, with Bradford Dillman, Dolores Hart...
Jul 27, 2021

Pope John XXIII Speaks on World Affairs
July 14, 1961 - Pope John XXIII appealed in an encyclical today for aid to underdeveloped areas without the creation of a "new form of...
Jul 14, 2021

Prayer in New York Schools Held Legal
July 7, 1961 - The New York Court of Appeals ruled today that it was legal for public schools to open each day with the non-sectarian ...
Jul 7, 2021
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