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1960s Timeline
Politics | Culture | Entertainment | Sports
Apr 9, 2023
Apr. 9, 1963 | JFK Confers U.S. Citizenship on Sir Winston Churchill
Apr. 9, 1963 - Here is a recording of President Kennedy’s remarks upon signing a proclamation conferring honorary citizenship on Sir...
Jul 11, 2022
Sir Winston Continues to Improve
July 11, 1962 - Sir Winston Churchill (pictured right in 1929) continued to make satisfactory progress today. His son, Randolph (left),...
Jul 5, 2022
Sir Winston Churchill Still Recovering from Broken Femur
July 5, 1962 - Sir Winston Churchill’s pulse showed some irregularity today, the Middlesex Hospital announced. Sir Winston is recovering...
Aug 15, 2021
Churchill Sends "Warmest Wishes" to President Kennedy
Aug. 15, 1961 - Sir Winston Churchill sent warmest wishes to President Kennedy today "for the momentous and preeminent part" he plays in...
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