1960s Timeline
Politics | Culture | Entertainment | Sports
Defiant Alabama Governor George Wallace Declares “Segregation Forever” at Inaugural
Texas Senator John Tower Advocates Desegregation
Unruly Student Suspended at Ole Miss
James Meredith Doubts He Will Continue at Ole Miss
James Meredith Arrested on Traffic Charge, Alleges Mistreatment by Police
Bomb Damages Negro Church in Birmingham, Ala.
Alabama’s Governor-Elect calls RFK “Sapling Caesar”
Exclusive Cosmos Club Admits First Negro
James Meredith Sees More Challenges Ahead
Thurgood Marshall Speaks in Harlem
Malcolm X Speaks in Oakland
Alabama Prepares for University Desegregation
Nov. 20, 1962 - JFK Announces Executive Order on Discrimination in Federal Housing
MLK on Federal Housing Bill: “Constitutionally Sound, Morally Right”
Ole Miss Student Harassed After Eating with Meredith, Leaves Campus
MLK: FBI Sides with Segregationists
Destroyed Negro Churches in Georgia Being Rebuilt
Meredith Struggling at Ole Miss
Four Students Expelled from Ole Miss
Movies: “Black Like Me”