1960s Timeline
Politics | Culture | Entertainment | Sports
Barnett Loses Support of Southern Governors
Newsmen Attacked in Oxford, Miss. Rioting
U.S. Marshals and National Guardsmen Battle Rioters at Oxford, Miss.
🚨Students and Others Riot at University of Mississippi
Kennedy Delivers Televised Address on Mississippi Crisis
Sept. 30, 1962 - JFK Report to the Nation on Situation at University of Mississippi
Barnett Gives Up, Meredith to Finally Enroll
Browns’ Halfback Called to Service with Mississippi National Guard
RFK Comforts Colleague’s Daughter
🚨JFK Calls Mississippi National Guard Into Service
Barnett Cheered at Mississippi-Kentucky Football Game
Hundreds of Troops Ordered to Mississippi
Nixon Answers Questions on T.V.
Ike Talks Mississippi in Gettysburg
Sept. 29, 1962 - James Meredith interview
RFK Criticizes American Bar Association
Walker Demands “Violent Vocal Protest” in Mississippi
Gov. Barnett Guilty of Civil Contempt of Federal Court Order
Sept. 28, 1962 - Attorney William L. Higgs on Voting Rights in Mississippi
Dr. King Punched by American Nazi