1960s Timeline
Politics | Culture | Entertainment | Sports
Barnett Battles in the Courts to Keep Ole Miss White
Another Negro Church Burns in Georgia
Clergymen Join Forces with Dr. King
Gov. Barnett Invokes “Interposition” to Block Meredith Enrollment
Sept. 13, 1962 - JFK on Church Burnings in Georgia
Jackie Robinson Leads Fund Drive to Rebuild Georgia Churches
Sept. 12, 1962 - MLK in NYC
President Decries Church Burnings in Georgia
Rocky Praises Dr. King at New York Dinner
Dr. King Decries Slow Pace of Civil Rights Progress
Justice Black, Alabaman, Rules on Desegregation in Mississippi
Georgia Sheriff Denies Arson Angle in Church Burnings
Two Negro Churches Burn in Georgia, Arson Suspected
RFK Hails Peaceful Desegregation
Catholic Schools in New Orleans Integrate
Negro Students Met with Racist Sign in Albany, Ga.
Klansmen Rally in Georgia
Klan Burns Crosses in 14 Louisiana Towns and State Capitol
HUAC to Investigate Black Muslims
Justice Department Moves on Negro Voting Rights