1960s Timeline
Politics | Culture | Entertainment | Sports

Gov. Rockefeller Lauds Jackie Robinson

Dr. King First Negro to Speak at National Press Club

Dr. King Warns of More Demonstrations in Albany, Ga.

Dr. King Released from Jail Against his Will

Gov. Rockefeller Contacts Attorney General Kennedy on Dr. King’s Behalf

Dr. Martin Luther King Jailed in Georgia

Dr. Martin Luther King Decries Infighting in Civil Rights Movement

Federal Court Forces University of Mississippi to Admit Negro Air Force Veteran

President Kennedy Pushes Hiring of Negroes

House Designates Jan. 1 "Emancipation Proclamation Day"

Martin Luther King Speaks in L.A. | "The Dilemma and the Challenge" (2/2)

Martin Luther King Speaks in L.A. | "The Dilemma and the Challenge" (1/2)

(VIDEO) Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. interviewed in San Diego

Television Station for Negro Audience Planned

President Kennedy Says Rockefeller Not Prejudiced

Harry Belafonte to Test Atlanta Segregation Laws

Rockefeller Touts Civil Rights Record, Challenges Kennedy

TV Networks Clarify Racial Stance in Casting

17-year-old Negro Civil Rights Activist Honored in New York

Leonard Bernstein Walks Out of Segregated Restaurant in Baltimore