1960s Timeline
Politics | Culture | Entertainment | Sports
Edwin Walker to Run for Governor of Texas as Democrat
Romney to Announce Decision on Michigan Governor Run by Feb. 10
President Kennedy to Ban Cuban Imports
Tough Talk from Ike to GOP
Governor Rockefeller Visits Iowa
President Kennedy's New Year's Message to South Vietnam
Greek Girl, a Friend of the First Lady, Undergoes Heart Surgery in Washington
Robert F. Kennedy departs for Japan
Video: Excerpt of President Kennedy's Press Conference
President Kennedy Pleased with OAS Exclusion of Cuba
Communist China Excoriates Robert F. Kennedy
Organization of American States Votes Cuba Out
Truman Backs Kennedy on "Muzzling" Generals
Senator Goldwater Offers Economic Proposals
Portrait of Benjamin Franklin to Adorn White House
FBI Says Communists Seek to Influence Students Here
U.S. Pilots Deliver Food and Ammunition to Isolated South Vietnamese Troops
Extended-Tour Army Men To Be Released by July
President Visits Father
East German Border Guards Close Escape Route after UPI Revelation