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1960s Timeline
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Oct 28, 2021
U.S. and Soviet Tanks Pull Back from Berlin Dividing Line
Oct. 28, 1961 - United States and Soviet tanks pulled back from Berlin’s dividing line today after facing each other for 16 hours through...

Oct 27, 2021
1960 Republican Delegates Prefer Goldwater for 1964
Oct. 27, 1961 - A preference for Senator Barry Goldwater of Arizona for the Republican Presidential nomination in 1964 has been indicated...

Oct 27, 2021
Vice President Johnson: Communists Undermine U.S.
Oct. 27, 1961 - Vice President Johnson declared today that “good Americans” are unwittingly aiding the Communists by planting “seeds of...

Oct 27, 2021
New York City Mayor Wagner Visits President Kennedy
Oct. 27, 1961 - Mayor Wagner (left) of New York City came to Washington today and won new support from President Kennedy for his...

Oct 27, 2021
🚨U.S. and Soviet Tanks Confront Each Other for First Time in Berlin
Oct. 27, 1961 - United States and Soviet tanks confonted each other today for the first time in history. They were less than 100 yards...

Oct 26, 2021
🚨Thirty-Three Soviet Tanks Move into East Berlin in Show of Force
Oct. 26, 1961 - Thirty-three Soviet medium tanks, manned by Soviet troops, moved into the center of East Berlin today. It was a show of...

Oct 26, 2021
Kennedy to South Vietnam: We'll Help You Resist Reds
Oct. 26, 1961 - President Kennedy has reassured South Vietnam of his determination to help it resist Communist attacks and preserve its...

Oct 25, 2021
Pulitzer Prize Winner Carl Sandburg Visits President Kennedy
Oct. 25, 1961 - Carl Sandburg (left), Pulitzer Prize-winning poet and biographer of Abraham Lincoln, called at the White House today to...

Oct 25, 2021
President Kennedy Approves Nuclear Explosion for Peaceful Use
Oct. 25, 1961 - President Kennedy gave his approval today for an underground nuclear explosion in the salt caverns of New Mexico as the...

Oct 25, 2021
State Department Notes “Serious Development” in Berlin
Oct. 25, 1961 - The State Department announced today that the Soviet commander in Berlin had rejected a protest by the U.S. commander...

Oct 24, 2021
Kennedy to Receive Advice on Broadcasts from TV Producer Fred Coe
Oct. 24, 1961 - The White House said today that President Kennedy would receive advice on some of his future telecasts from Fred Coe, New...

Oct 24, 2021
Eisenhower Calls Peace Corps “Juvenile Experiment”
Oct. 24, 1961 - Former President Eisenhower accused the Kennedy Administration today of doing “a good job of confusing me and all my...

Oct 23, 2021
Rockefeller: Kennedy Not “Unbeatable” in 1964
Oct. 23, 1961 - “I don’t think anybody is unbeatable,” Governor Rockefeller (right) of New York said today when asked whether a...

Oct 23, 2021
🚨Soviets Detonate Most Powerful Nuclear Explosion in History
Oct. 23, 1961 - The Soviet Union conducted the largest man-made explosion in history today by detonating a thermonuclear bomb with a...

Oct 22, 2021
Video: “Operation Readiness” Highlights Cold War Efforts
Video: “Operation Readiness” Highlights Cold War Efforts Oct. 22, 1961 - “Operation Readiness” is a film produced by the U.S. Army about...

Oct 22, 2021
President Kennedy Most Voracious Reader Since Theodore Roosevelt
Oct. 22, 1961 - Perhaps the White House’s most voracious reader since Teddy Roosevelt, President Kennedy daily digests a mountain of...

Oct 22, 2021
President Kennedy Gives Up Short Cigars
Oct. 22, 1961 - President Kennedy has given up the short cigars he favored when he first entered the White House and now smokes a new...

Oct 22, 2021
U.S. Soldiers with Fixed Bayonets Escort Diplomat into East Berlin
Oct. 22, 1961 - Nine armed United States soldiers moved into East Berlin twice today to enforce the right of an American diplomat to...

Oct 21, 2021
Kennedy to Witness Amphibious Exercises in San Diego
Oct. 21, 1961 - President Kennedy will witness Navy and Marine Corps amphibious exercises at San Diego, Calif., on Nov. 18, the White...

Oct 21, 2021
Kennedy Spokesman: Anyone Who Attacks U.S. Will Be Destroyed
Oct. 21, 1961 - The U.S. is so strong and its power so well-deployed that an aggressor making a sneak nuclear attack would invite...
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