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1960s Timeline
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Oct 21, 2021
General Taylor Tours Fighting Zones in South Vietnam
Oct. 21, 1961 - Gen. Maxwell D. Taylor (pictured with South Vietnamese President Ngo Dinh Diem) and his chief aides made an extensive air...

Oct 19, 2021
East German Communists Reward Children for Informing
Oct. 19, 1961 - The Communists are offering prizes to children who betray people, including family members, trying to escape from East...

Oct 19, 2021
North Vietnamese Delegation Assails U.S. on Taylor Trip
Oct. 19, 1961 - The Communist North Vietnamese delegation at the Laotian conference in Geneva assailed the United States today for having...

Oct 18, 2021
Eisenhower: West Embraces Spiritual Values that Communists Deny
Oct. 18, 1961 - Former President Dwight D. Eisenhower (pictured the day before his inauguration in 1953) said today that the Western...

Oct 18, 2021
Highlights of Khrushchev Speech in Moscow
Oct. 18, 1961 - Following are highlights of Premier Khrushchev’s speech yesterday at the 22nd congress of the Soviet Communist party in...

Oct 18, 2021
President Diem Places South Vietnam in “State of Emergency”
Oct. 18, 1961 - President Ngo Dinh Diem (pictured) placed South Vietnam in a “state of emergency” today after announcing that Col. Hoang...

Oct 17, 2021
U.S. to Soviets: Don’t Explode 50-Megaton Weapon
Oct. 17, 1961 - The U.S. called upon the Soviet Union today to reconsider the planned explosion of a fifty-megaton atomic weapon. Such an...

Oct 17, 2021
Eisenhower Talks Fallout Shelters, Nuclear War
Oct. 17, 1961 - Former President Dwight D. Eisenhower (pictured in Warsaw in 1945) said today that he did “not know the right answer to...

Oct 17, 2021
Khrushchev Addresses 22nd Congress of Soviet Communist Party
Oct. 17, 1961 - Premier Khrushchev said today that he would withdraw his deadline for a German peace treaty this year if the Western...

Oct 16, 2021
U.S. Eighth Infantry to Assist on “The Longest Day”
Oct. 16, 1961 - Seven hundred troops of the U.S. Eighth Infantry Division will be brought to Normandy from West Germany next week to help...

Oct 16, 2021
President Kennedy Meets with Finland President Kekkonen
Oct. 16, 1961 - President Urho K. Kekkonen (left) of Finland assured President Kennedy today that his country’s main purpose was “the...

Oct 16, 2021
Communist Viet Cong on the Move in South Vietnam
Oct. 16, 1961 - According to reports, a Viet Cong unit of battalion strength overwhelmed a South Vietnamese civil guard garrison last...

Oct 15, 2021
New York Teachers: Nuclear Drills “Utter Futility”
Oct. 15, 1961 - New York’s Empire State Federation of teachers today called nuclear-shelter drills in public schools “utter futility.”...

Oct 15, 2021
Production Increasing for M-14 Rifle
Oct. 15, 1961 - After years of delays and deficiencies in the program to equip Army troops with the new M-14 rifle, officials say that...

Oct 15, 2021
General Taylor Leaves for South Vietnam
Oct. 15, 1961 - Gen. Maxwell D. Taylor (pictured) left for South Vietnam today and indicated that the U.S. would be reluctant to commit...

Oct 14, 2021
Nixon Modifies Pessismistic Remarks on ’64 Election
Oct. 14, 1961 - Richard M. Nixon said today that current polls show President Kennedy “riding high” politically. But he added that...

Oct 14, 2021
President Kennedy Meets the Press
Oct. 14, 1961 - Pierre Salinger (pictured right), presss secretary, said today that the White House was paying for the series of...

Oct 14, 2021
General Taylor Will Seek Facts in South Vietnam
Oct. 14, 1961 - President Kennedy has asked the mission to South Vietnam headed by Gen. Maxwell D. Taylor (left) to make a broad study of...

Oct 14, 2021
U.S. Conducts Largest Air-Defense Maneuvers in History
Oct. 14, 1961 - The largest air-defense maneuvers ever held in the Western world were concluded early today. For 12 hours, from 1 p.m....

Oct 14, 2021
Officials: Khrushchev Seeks to Inflict Humiliation on the West in Berlin Crisis
Oct. 14, 1961 - Recent Soviet moves in the Berlin crisis have strengthened the conviction in Washington that Premier Khrushchev is less...
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