1960s Timeline
Politics | Culture | Entertainment | Sports
U.S. Pilots Deliver Food and Ammunition to Isolated South Vietnamese Troops
Extended-Tour Army Men To Be Released by July
East German Border Guards Close Escape Route after UPI Revelation
Rusk Urges Vigilance on Cuba
General Rosson Will Head "Special Warfare" Unit
Soviet Defense Minister Calls Shelters "Tombs Prepared in Advance"
28 East Germans Escape to West
President Says Milk "Offers No Hazards" from Fallout or Cholesterol
Ike Shifts Position on "Muzzling" Generals
U.S. Seeks to Bar Cuba from Organization of American States
Attorney General Kennedy Rejects Invitation to Visit Moscow
Sen. Humphrey Says Chinese Could Have Bomb "Any Time This Year"
Soviet Leaders Invite Robert F. Kennedy to Visit Moscow
McNamara Says U.S. Resolved to Oppose Communist Aggression
Defoliation Efforts Begin in Vietnam
Soviets Withdraw Tanks from Berlin Border
Viet Cong Make Gains with Peasant Population
Chinese Communists Denounce President Kennedy
Thousands of Women Protest Nuclear Fallout at White House
McNamara to Fly to Hawaii for Vietnam Conference