1960s Timeline
Politics | Culture | Entertainment | Sports
U.S. Urges Non-Communist Nations to Back South Vietnam
Director Hoover Speaks on Crime and Communism
Communist China Supporting North Vietnam
Khrushchev Says Kennedy Won't Go Communist for a "Very Long Time"
U.S. Sends Dogs of War to Vietnam
Castro Embraces Communism
U.N. Ambassador Stevenson Denounces Communist China
Malcolm X to Speak at New York's City College
John Birch Society Responds to Kennedy's Speech
"National Indignation Day" in Dallas
Secretary Freeman Talks Agriculture's Value in Cold War
President Kennedy's Plan for Vietnam
Air Force Flies Reconnaissance Missions over South Vietnam
Viet Cong Have Bases in Cambodia
Air Force Strengthens South Vietnam's Defenses against Reds
Viet Cong Terrorize Malaria-Control Teams
Nine Escape East Berlin, Family Left Behind
The Shah of Iran Talks Cold War
U.S. Pushing Reforms in South Vietnam as Conditional to Aid
TV: Guerrilla-Warfare Techniques Highlighted on CBS