1960s Timeline
Politics | Culture | Entertainment | Sports
JFK Hits Boycotts of Merchants Selling Red Imports
Movies: “Red Nightmare”
Khrushchev: Soviet Rockets Are Out of Cuba
Anniversary of Hungarian Revolution Honored
Nixon Details “Anti-Subversive Program” in California
Nixon Hits Communist Threat in California
Moscow Looks at New York City
Soviets Confirm Military Support for Cuba
Castro Says U.S. Preparing to Attack Cuba
(VIDEO) Secretary of State Dean Rusk on Coexistence with the Communist Bloc
JFK Remarks to Special Seminar of Foreign Service Institute
Madison Square Garden Hosts Anti-Communist Crusade
Walter Winchell Claims Anti-Communist, Anti-Kennedy Columns Censored
(VIDEO) JFK on Red China
Under Secretary of State George Ball Speaks Out on Vietnam
U.S. Special Forces Training Rhade Tribesmen to Fight in Vietnam
Communist China Supporting North Vietnam
Vietnamese Rangers, with help from U.S. Marines, Rout Communists
Government Troops Kill 69 Viet Cong Insurgents
Wounded Sergeant in Vietnam Denied Purple Heart