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1960s Timeline
Politics | Culture | Entertainment | Sports
Aug 2, 2023
American Who Refused Repatriation in ‘53 Disillusioned with Communism
Aug. 2, 1963 - An American who refused repatriation after his release as a prisoner of war in Korea 10 years ago said today he was...
May 27, 2022
Documentary: "Red China," Narrated by Chet Huntley
May 27, 1962 - Here is a two-part documentary, narrated by Chet Huntley, called “Red China.” The film traces the consolidation of power...
Apr 27, 2022
Communist China Verbally Assails President Kennedy and the U.S.
Apr. 27, 1962 - Communist China, condemning U.S. resumption of nuclear testing, warned today that the Chinese people together with the...
Apr 3, 2022
Averell Harriman: Chinese Reds Want U.S. Out of Western Pacific
Apr. 3, 1962 - W. Averell Harriman, Assistant Secretary of State for Far Eastern Affairs, told Congress today that the overriding...
Jan 30, 2022
Communist China Excoriates Robert F. Kennedy
Jan. 30, 1962 - Communist China’s propaganda campaign against President Kennedy was extended today to Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy,...
Jan 16, 2022
Chinese Communists Denounce President Kennedy
Jan. 16, 1962 - Communist Chinese propaganda denounced President Kennedy and the U.S. Government today. Accusing the President of acts of...
Sep 17, 2021
Truman on “Open End” with David Susskind
Sept. 17, 1961 - Former President Harry S. Truman talked of many things during a two-hour interview last night with David Susskind. Some...
Aug 31, 2021
Chinese Communists Support Soviet Nuclear Tests
Aug. 31, 1961 - Communist China issued a statement today expressing support for the Soviet Union's decision to resume nuclear tests. The...
Aug 21, 2021
Cholera Epidemic Sweeping Far East
Aug. 21, 1961 - Special measures to "safeguard public health" and combat "seasonal diseases" are being taken by Chinese Communist...
Jul 5, 2021
General MacArthur Criticizes Former President Truman on Korea
July 5, 1961 - General Douglas MacArthur told the Philippine Congress today that the United States' failure to see the Korean war ...
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