1960s Timeline
Politics | Culture | Entertainment | Sports
Glenn Pulls Out of Ohio Senate Race
Nixon Speaks Out
Goldwater: “I Goofed Somewhere” in New Hampshire
[VIDEO] Mar. 11, 1964 | Lodge Wins New Hampshire GOP Primary
Lodge Leads Pack in New Hampshire Primary Results
Rocky Winds Up New Hampshire Campaign
Lodge Casts Shadow over New Hampshire Primary
Louisiana Likely To Remain in Democratic Column Next Year
Lodge Leaves Himself Available as Contender for GOP Nomination
Governor Rockefeller Announces Candidacy
Wallace May Enter Presidential Primaries Next Year
Austin Republicans Say Goldwater Would Beat Kennedy in Texas in ‘64
LBJ: Don’t Let GOP Divide and Conquer Democrats
Rockefeller Heads West
Election of George McGovern to Senate is Confirmed
Truman Calls Nixon Poor Loser
Democrats Elated Over Election
Nov. 7, 1962 - Richard Nixon's "Last Press Conference"
South Dakota Senatorial Race Too Close to Call
Democrats Score Smashing Midterm Victory