1960s Timeline
Politics | Culture | Entertainment | Sports
Mixed Reports on California Gubernatorial Race
Governor Rockfeller Reelected
Connally Elected Governor of Texas
Oct. 31, 1962 - JFK Urges Americans to Vote
JFK and Democrats May Gain from Cuban Crisis
Oct. 19, 1962 - JFK Remarks at Democratic Party Dinner in Chicago
Oct. 19, 1962 - JFK Remarks to Precinct Workers in Chicago
Nixon Draws Big Crowds in California
Oct. 13, 1962 - JFK Rally Speech at University of Pittsburgh
Oct. 13, 1962 - JFK Campaign Speech in Pennsylvania
Oct. 11, 1962 - JFK Interview on ABC-TV (3/3)
Oct. 11, 1962 - JFK Interview on ABC-TV (2/3)
Oct. 11, 1962 - JFK Interview on ABC-TV (1/3)
Sept. 21, 1962 - JFK Phone Remarks to Democrats in Ohio
Sept. 20, 1962 - JFK Remarks Upon Arrival in Harrisburg, PA
Ted Kennedy Wins in Primary Landslide over McCormack
Hollywood Celebrities Choose Sides in California Gubernatorial Race
Aug. 24, 1962 - JFK Phone Call to Democrats in Indiana
Romney Rules Himself Out of ’64 Presidential Race
Nixon Brings Back Chotiner for Showdown with Gov. Brown