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1960s Timeline
Politics | Culture | Entertainment | Sports

Jun 22, 2022
Mamie Eisenhower Revisits White House
June 22, 1962 - Mrs. Mamie Eisenhower came back to the White House today and saw for herself that her successor had been moving things...

May 8, 2022
First Lady Christens U.S.S. Lafayette
May 8, 1962 - The world’s largest submarine, the U.S.S. Lafayette, slipped smoothly into the Thames River in Groton, Connecticut today,...

Mar 22, 2022
(VIDEO) Jackie Kennedy in Pakistan
Mar. 22, 1962 - Here is video of the First Lady speaking at the Shalamar Gardens in Pakistan. #JFK #FLOTUS #history #OTD

Feb 22, 2022
First Lady Will Be Focus of NBC-TV Documentary
Feb. 22, 1962 - Mrs. Jacqueline Kennedy will be the subject of a documentary to be televised by NBC on Sunday, March 25, from 9 to 10...

Feb 21, 2022
First Lady Meets 11-Year-Old Greek Girl Whose Heart Surgery She Arranged
Feb. 21, 1962 - Chrysanthemis Papacosis, an 11-year-old Greek girl, and Mrs. Jacqueline Kennedy, who had the child brought to this...

Feb 16, 2022
Foreign TV Execs Interested in First Lady's White House Tour
Feb. 16, 1962 - Foreign television executives from Communist Hungary to Japan are regarding the TV White House tour with Mrs. Jacqueline...

Feb 15, 2022
First Lady's White House Tour Seen by 46,550,000
Feb. 15, 1962 - Mrs. Kennedy’s televised tour of the White House Wednesday night was watched by 46,550,000 persons, according to survey...

Feb 14, 2022
First Lady Excels as White House Tour Guide
Feb. 14, 1962 - Millions of television viewers toured the White House this evening with Mrs. Jacqueline Kennedy leading the way. The...

Feb 14, 2022
TV: First Lady's White House Tour
Feb. 14, 1962 - First Lady Jacqueline Kennedy gives an exclusive televised tour of the White House, hosted by CBS's Charles Collingwood....

Feb 7, 2022
Mozart and Ice Cream at the White House With the First Lady
Feb. 7, 1962 - Teenagers from 64 countries crowded into the White House today for an afternoon of Mozart with ice cream, cookies, and...

Feb 1, 2022
Greek Girl, a Friend of the First Lady, Undergoes Heart Surgery in Washington
Feb. 1, 1962 - A 10-year-old Greek girl (pictured left) befriended by Mrs. Jacqueline Kennedy underwent heart surgery in Washington...

Dec 12, 2021
First Lady to Lead Televised White House Tour on CBS
Dec. 12, 1961 - Mrs. Jacqueline Kennedy will appear early next year on a network television program originating from the White House. The...
Sep 27, 2021
First Lady to Present President's Cup at National Horse Show
Sept. 27, 1961 - The First Lady will present the new President's Cup in a special open-jumper class at the Washington National Horse Show...
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