1960s Timeline
Politics | Culture | Entertainment | Sports
AFL’s Dallas Texans Moving to Kansas City, Mo.
New Owner of New York Titans Optimistic on AFL Club’s Future
AFL’s New York Titans Are Sold
Packers’ Jim Taylor Still Recovering from Hepatitis
Forty-Niners’ Bill Kilmer To Miss Entire ’63 NFL Season
AFL’s Dallas Texans Set To Move to Kansas City
NFL Star Will Not Be Paid for Peace Corps Services
Eleven Football Stars Elected to New Professional Hall of Fame
Redskins’ Quarterback Norm Snead Works for Peace Corps
Al Davis is Named Head Coach and General Manager of Oakland Raiders
Lions’ Alex Karras Undergoes Two-Hour Grilling in New York
Browns’ New Coach Gives News Conference
Blanton Collier Named Coach of Cleveland Browns
Lions’ Coach and Defensive Tackle Questioned in New York
Jim Brown Praises Coach Allie Sherman
Jim Brown Shines as East Upsets West at NFL Pro Bowl
West Tops East in AFL All-Star Game, 21-14
Lombardi and Sherman Set to Coach Pro Bowl Tomorrow
Kemp and Blanda to Share QB Duties at AFL All-Star Game
Packers’ Bill Quinlan Defends NFL Players