1960s Timeline
Politics | Culture | Entertainment | Sports

Nixon to Face Governor Brown in California Gubernatorial Contest

Rockefeller Touts Civil Rights Record, Challenges Kennedy

New Biography of Senator Goldwater Published

Rep. Lindsay Meets Constituents in Yorkville

Governor Rockefeller Speaks in Philadelphia

Sen. Javits Supports Gov. Rockefeller for President in 1964

Primary Competitor Says Nixon Cannot Win Gubernatorial Contest

Nixon Agrees To Debate Gov. Brown in California Gubernatorial Race

Governor Rockefeller Hits Kennedy on Civil Rights

George Romney Will Run for Michigan Governor

Tough Talk from Ike to GOP

Governor Rockefeller Visits Iowa

GOP Leaders Hit Kennedy on Budget Proposals

Nixon Won’t Run for President in ’64, Will Support “Strongest Candidate”

1960 Republican Delegates Prefer Goldwater for 1964
Nixon: I'm Not Afraid of JFK
Nixon to Run for Governor of California
Eisenhower Attacks Kennedy Administration
Rockefeller Coy about Plans for 1964
Nixon Challenges Truman to Piano-Playing Contest