1960s Timeline
Politics | Culture | Entertainment | Sports
Eiffel Tower Anniversary Observed
Massachusetts Governor’s Mother Jailed in St. Augustine
Che Guevara Speaks Out
Senator Morse Hits LBJ on Vietnam War
Glenn Pulls Out of Ohio Senate Race
[VIDEO] Mar. 27, 1964 | Alaska Earthquake Newsreel
Integrated Easter Service Led by Billy Graham in Birmingham
Billy Graham Looks Forward to Integrated Easter Service in Birmingham
Tidal Waves Wreck Business District of Crescent City, California
Diem Official Sentenced to Death in Vietnam
New Survival Kit for Special Forces in Vietnam
Massive Earthquake Strikes Alaska
Two U.S. Airmen Missing in Vietnam
Malcolm X Comments on Civil Rights Bill
Author Chosen by Mrs. Kennedy to Write Book on Assassination
U.S. To Boost Effort in Vietnam
Goldwater Hits McNamara in Detroit
LBJ Launches Vietnam PR Campaign
Riots in Jacksonville
Lady Bird Johnson Visits Alabama