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1960s Timeline
Politics | Culture | Entertainment | Sports

Aug 14, 2023
Mrs. Kennedy Goes Home
Aug. 14, 1963 - Hand in hand, President and Mrs. Kennedy left the hospital today where their third child was born just a week ago. The...

Aug 14, 2023
NYPD Chooses First Negro to Study at FBI National Academy
Aug. 14, 1963 - The New York Police Department has chosen Lieutenant Lloyd Sealy (center in 1959) as the first Negro on the New York...

Aug 14, 2023
Attorney General Pays Surprise Visit to New York
Aug. 14, 1963 - Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy (pictured today in Harlem) paid a surprise visit to New York today to look over the...

Aug 13, 2023
Grand Jury Refuses to Indict Suspect for Murder of Postman William L. Moore
Sept. 13, 1963 - The Etowah County, Ala., grand jury refused today to indict Floyd L. Simpson for the murder of William L. Moore...

Aug 13, 2023
President Returns to Cape Cod with New Puppy
Aug. 13, 1963 - President Kennedy returned to Cape Cod today to take his wife home from the hospital to their summer home. He brought her...

Aug 13, 2023
Buddhist Student Monk Burns Himself to Death in South Vietnam
Aug. 13, 1963 - A 17-year-old Buddhist student monk burned himself to death today. It was the third Buddhist self-immolation since South...

Aug 13, 2023
Highlights of Secretary McNamara’s Senate Testimony Today
Aug. 13, 1963 - Secretary of Defense Robert S. McNamara (pictured) gave his “unequivocal support” today to the treaty to outlaw nuclear...

Aug 12, 2023
Ex-Marine Jailed in New Orleans after “Fair Play for Cuba” Disturbance
Aug. 12, 1963 - In New Orleans today, 23-year-old Lee H. Oswald, of 4907 Magazine St., was sentenced to pay a fine of $10 or serve ten...

Aug 12, 2023
President Kennedy Takes Both Children to See Mrs. Kennedy
Aug. 12, 1963 - President Kennedy took Caroline and John Jr. to visit their mother again today. Charlie, the children’s Welsh terrier,...

Aug 11, 2023
President Kennedy and Caroline Visit Jackie in Hospital
Aug. 11, 1963 - Carrying a small bouquet of garden flowers, a solemn Caroline Kennedy went today with her father, the President, to see...

Aug 11, 2023
James Hood Withdraws from University of Alabama
Aug. 11, 1963 - James Hood (left), a Negro student facing imminent expulsion from the University of Alabama for having criticized its...

Aug 11, 2023
Senator Russell: If Election Were Today, Goldwater Would Win Georgia
Aug. 11, 1963 - Senator Richard Russell (D-Ga.) (pictured top right with Defense Secretary Robert McNamara, Senator J.W. Fulbright, and...

Aug 11, 2023
Lodge Optimistic on Vietnam
Aug. 11, 1963 - Henry Cabot Lodge (pictured with President Kennedy in 1961), who will take up his new post as U.S. Ambassador to South...

Aug 10, 2023
President Kennedy Buries Infant Son, Mrs. Kennedy Remains in Hospital
Aug. 10, 1963 - President Kennedy, sorrow etched on his face, buried his infant son, Patrick Bouvier, today after simple services and a...

Aug 10, 2023
Senator Kefauver Is Dead
Aug. 10, 1963 - Rupture of the main heart artery early today ended the life of Senator Estes Kefauver of Tennessee (pictured left with...

Aug 9, 2023
Grieving President Kennedy Joins Mrs. Kennedy
Aug. 9, 1963 - President Kennedy flew to Hyannis Port, Mass., this morning to join his wife 5½ hours after their premature infant son had...

Aug 9, 2023
Rusk Meets with Khrushchev — Loses at Badminton
Aug. 9, 1963 - Secretary of State Dean Rusk talked for 2½ hours today with Premier Khrushchev at Gagra, on the Black Sea. The two men met...

Aug 9, 2023
Patrick Bouvier Kennedy Fifth Child of Sitting U.S. President to Die
Aug. 9, 1963 - Patrick Bouvier Kennedy is the fifth child of a sitting President to die. Children of John Adams, Thomas Jefferson,...

Aug 9, 2023
Tragedy Marks Departure of U.S. Ambassador Nolting from Saigon
Aug. 9, 1963 - Tragedy today stalked ceremonies in South Vietnam which had been intended to send retiring U.S. Ambassador Frederick...

Aug 9, 2023
🚨President Kennedy’s New Baby Boy Is Dead
Aug. 9, 1963 - The new baby boy of President and Mrs. Kennedy died early today, the White House announced at 4:26 a.m. The baby, born...
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