1960s Timeline
Politics | Culture | Entertainment | Sports
East German Border Guards Close Escape Route after UPI Revelation
Nixon Campaigns in San Francisco
Texas Senator Yarborough Won't Run for Governor
Rusk Urges Vigilance on Cuba
General Rosson Will Head "Special Warfare" Unit
President Again Gives Milk a Boost
Mrs. Kennedy's Press Secretary Hits Back at Luce Charges on Clothes
California Governor Brown Formally Declares Candidacy for Re-election, Hits Nixon
Soviet Defense Minister Calls Shelters "Tombs Prepared in Advance"
President Vigorously Defends Loyalty of Two State Department Employees
28 East Germans Escape to West
Former Mob Hitman Found Dead in Attica Prison Cell
President Says Milk "Offers No Hazards" from Fallout or Cholesterol
Ike Shifts Position on "Muzzling" Generals
U.S. Seeks to Bar Cuba from Organization of American States
Attorney General Kennedy Rejects Invitation to Visit Moscow
Sen. Humphrey Says Chinese Could Have Bomb "Any Time This Year"
President Touts Democratic Party as "Party of Progress"
Soviet Leaders Invite Robert F. Kennedy to Visit Moscow
McNamara Says U.S. Resolved to Oppose Communist Aggression