1960s Timeline
Politics | Culture | Entertainment | Sports
Defoliation Plan for Vietnam on Temporary Hold
John W. McCormack Elected Speaker of the House
Vienna Boys Choir Serenades President Kennedy at the White House
Nixon Responds to Governor Brown's Charges
Sec. McNamara Sends Thank-You Letters to Families of Reservists and National Guardsmen
Documentary: "The Truth About Communism," Narrated by Ronald Reagan
Kennedy Administration Sees Long Struggle Ahead in South Vietnam
California Gov. Brown Hits Nixon for "Courting Radicals of the Right"
President Honors Ohio Governor Michael V. DiSalle on his 54th birthday
American Killed by Viet Cong Sniper in Saigon
President Kennedy Cuts Short his Florida Vacation
Three Brooklyn Racketeers for Consorting with Themselves
JFK Jr. Takes First Steps
General Shoup: Marines Need to Toughen Up
U.S. Seeks to Boost Diem Regime in South Vietnam
Allies Seek "Live and Let Live" Arrangement in Berlin
The First Lady Goes Water-Skiing
U.S. Seeks to Isolate Cuba over Communist Ties
JFK Jr. Visits Grandfather at Hospital
President's Father Shows Some Improvement