1960s Timeline
Politics | Culture | Entertainment | Sports
The First Lady Goes Water-Skiing
U.S. Seeks to Isolate Cuba over Communist Ties
JFK Jr. Visits Grandfather at Hospital
President's Father Shows Some Improvement
Kennedy and Khrushchev Exchange New Year's Greetings
Former First Lady Edith Wilson is Dead
World Trade Center in Lower Manhattan to Go Forward
President Passes Physical Exam
Ike Visits Disneyland
East German Border Guards Arrest Three for Waving at Relatives
Somber Christmas for Kennedy Family
President Kennedy Delivers Christmas Message to West Berliners
President's Father Has Pneumonia, Undergoes Surgery
Robert F. Kennedy Plays Santa in Negro Ward of St. Mary's Hospital
President's Father Shows Improvement
Kennedy and Macmillan Conclude Bermuda Meeting
William F. Buckley Sues Hunter College
Robert F. Kennedy to Tour Foreign Cities in February
President's Father's Condition Remains Serious
President Kennedy Meets with Prime Minister Macmillan in Bermuda