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1960s Timeline
Politics | Culture | Entertainment | Sports

Oct 31, 2021
Former President and Mrs. Truman Arrive in Capital
Oct. 31, 1961 - Former President and Mrs. Harry S. Truman arrived in Washington today for a 3-day round of events that will include...

Oct 31, 2021
Rayburn Goes Home to End His Days Among Friends and Neighbors
Oct. 31, 1961 - House Speaker Sam Rayburn (pictured last May) went home to Bonham, Texas by ambulance today. The Democratic leader had...

Oct 31, 2021
What if a 50-Megaton Bomb Exploded Over Manhattan?
Oct. 31, 1961 - If exploded in the air over downtown Manhattan, a 50-megaton bomb would destroy homes as far away as Passaic, N.J. and...

Oct 30, 2021
Khrushchev Warns Britain on Nuclear War
Oct. 30, 1961 - Premier Nikita S. Khrushchev warned Britain today that that nation “may be among the first to experience the destructive...

Oct 30, 2021
White House: U.S. Nuclear Arsenal Superior to Any Nation
Oct. 30, 1961 - A White House statement on the Soviet Union’s explosion of a large nuclear device today cast doubt on the military...

Oct 30, 2021
Vatican Condemns Soviet Explosion as “True Face” of Communism
Oct. 30, 1961 - Dismay and outrage spread through much of the world today as the Soviet Union carried out its huge nuclear explosion....

Oct 30, 2021
Nixon Won’t Run for President in ’64, Will Support “Strongest Candidate”
Oct. 30, 1961 - Richard M. Nixon advised Governor Rockefeller today to prove himself the Republican party’s strongest Presidential...

Oct 30, 2021
🚨Soviets Detonate Most Powerful Explosion in History
Oct. 30, 1961 - The Soviet Union detonated the most powerful man-made explosion in history today by setting off a hydrogen bomb with a...

Oct 29, 2021
Johnson: We Mustn't Let Communists Destroy Us from Within
Oct. 29, 1961 - Vice President Johnson said in New York today that the United States was prepared to “stand on our rights to preserve our...

Oct 29, 2021
President Kennedy Attends Road-Opening Ceremony in Oklahoma
Oct. 29, 1961 - President Kennedy told the people of Oklahoma today of his determination to keep the nation free while continuing its...

Oct 29, 2021
U.S. Military Advisor in South Vietnam Shot by Communist Sniper
Oct. 29, 1961 - A United States Army military adviser on a training patrol with a Vietnamese ranger platoon was shot by a Vietnamese...

Oct 28, 2021
Secretary Connally May Run for Governor of Texas
Oct. 28, 1961 - The Secretary of the Navy, John B. Connally Jr., may give up the office next year to run for Governor of Texas. There are...

Oct 28, 2021
Khrushchev Favors Memorial to Stalin’s Victims
Oct. 28, 1961 - Premier Khrushchev has come out in favor of the construction of a memorial in Moscow to honor the victims of the...

Oct 28, 2021
Report: Guevara’s Power Reduced in Cuba
Oct. 28, 1961 - Indications are mounting that Maj. Ernesto “Che” Guevara, until recently the manager of Cuba’s economy, has been removed...

Oct 28, 2021
President Kennedy Issues 1961 Thanksgiving Proclamation
Oct. 28, 1961 - President Kennedy called on all citizens today to observe Thanksgiving Day Nov. 23 in a manner “not only to preserve our...

Oct 28, 2021
U.S. and Soviet Tanks Pull Back from Berlin Dividing Line
Oct. 28, 1961 - United States and Soviet tanks pulled back from Berlin’s dividing line today after facing each other for 16 hours through...

Oct 27, 2021
Vice President Johnson: Communists Undermine U.S.
Oct. 27, 1961 - Vice President Johnson declared today that “good Americans” are unwittingly aiding the Communists by planting “seeds of...

Oct 27, 2021
New York City Mayor Wagner Visits President Kennedy
Oct. 27, 1961 - Mayor Wagner (left) of New York City came to Washington today and won new support from President Kennedy for his...

Oct 27, 2021
🚨U.S. and Soviet Tanks Confront Each Other for First Time in Berlin
Oct. 27, 1961 - United States and Soviet tanks confonted each other today for the first time in history. They were less than 100 yards...

Oct 26, 2021
🚨Thirty-Three Soviet Tanks Move into East Berlin in Show of Force
Oct. 26, 1961 - Thirty-three Soviet medium tanks, manned by Soviet troops, moved into the center of East Berlin today. It was a show of...
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