1960s Timeline
Politics | Culture | Entertainment | Sports
Disarmament Conference Opens in Geneva
Nixon: I Was Told to Resign in '52
VIDEO: "Berlin: Test for the West"
U.S. Officials: American Pilots Engaged in Combat Missions in Vietnam
Army Helicopters Carry South Vietnamese Troops in "Successful" Raid
Democrats Rally at St. Nick's Arena
Conservatives Rally at Madison Square Garden
Major Drive by South Vietnamese Troops in Mekong Delta
South Vietnamese "On the Offensive" Against Viet Cong, Says Admiral Felt
U-2 Pilot Powers Vindicated in Senate
A Minor Victory for South Vietnamese Troops and Their U.S. Advisors
Secretary Rusk Blames Communists for Violence in Vietnam
Thirtieth Anniversary of Lindbergh Kidnapping
Pilot Who Bombed Diem Palace is Interviewed
Board of Inquiry Affirms Francis Gary Powers' Performance
South Vietnam: Bombing of Palace Isolated Incident
U.S. Officials: Diem in Control in South Vietnam
South Vietnamese President Diem's Palace Bombed
United States Will Continue Offering All Necessary Aid to Vietnam
Communist China Protests American Buildup in Vietnam