1960s Timeline
Politics | Culture | Entertainment | Sports
President Vigorously Defends Loyalty of Two State Department Employees
President Touts Democratic Party as "Party of Progress"
President Kennedy Welcomes Composer Igor Stravinsky to White House
GOP Leaders Hit Kennedy on Budget Proposals
President Kennedy Presents Balanced Budget to Congress
President Kennedy Proclaims May 1 "Law Day, U.S.A."
Police Commissioner Eugene "Bull" Connor to Seek Nomination for Governor of Alabama
U.S. Army Withdraws Tanks from Berlin Border
Former Gov. Knight Withdraws from California Race, Boost for Nixon
Main Points from President's Press Conference
Goldwater Urges Conservatism for Republican Party
President Kennedy Backs March of Dimes Campaign
Video: President Kennedy's State of the Union Address
President Kennedy Delivers State of the Union Message
John W. McCormack Elected Speaker of the House
Vienna Boys Choir Serenades President Kennedy at the White House
Nixon Responds to Governor Brown's Charges
California Gov. Brown Hits Nixon for "Courting Radicals of the Right"
President Honors Ohio Governor Michael V. DiSalle on his 54th birthday
President Kennedy Cuts Short his Florida Vacation