1960s Timeline
Politics | Culture | Entertainment | Sports
Martin Luther King Announces Vote Registration Drive
Robert Kennedy says ICC Ban on Segregated Busing Will Be Enforced
Martin Luther King, SCLC Push Integration Policies
TV: Some Louisiana Viewers Protest Documentary on Negroes
Robert Kennedy Quits Metropolitan Club over Segregation Policy
Thurgood Marshall of NAACP To Be Appointed Judge
World Champion Oilers Open Season with 55-0 Thrashing of Raiders
NAACP Protests Segregating Seating Policy at Houston Stadium
Kennedy Sees Progress in Civil Rights
Nine Men Indicted in Firebombing of Freedom Rider Bus
Atlanta Public Schools Integrate Peacefully
Two Freedom Riders Convicted of Breach of Peace in Jackson, Mississippi
First Freedom Riders Arrested in Louisiana Convicted of Breach of Peace
Rev. Martin Luther King Announces "Stand-Ins" at Voter Registration Sites
James Meredith, Negro Veteran, Seeks to Enter University of Mississippi
Rev. Martin Luther King Sees End to Freedom Rides Soon
Alabama Senate Passes Bill to Prohibit Freedom Rides in Alabama
State Department Officer Quits Metropolitan Club over Segregation Policy
In Africa, Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy Affirms U.S. Civil Rights Goals
U.S. Files Three Civil Rights Suits, Says Negroes Denied Voting Rights in South