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1960s Timeline
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Sep 9, 2023
Wallace Accelerates Federal-State Showdown over School Integration
Sept. 9, 1963 - Governor George Wallace of Alabama replaced his state policemen with National Guard troops tonight and moved towards a...

Sep 9, 2023
President Kennedy Subscribes to “Domino Theory”
Sept. 9, 1963 - A reduction of U.S. financial aid to South Vietnam might bring about collapse of that nation and open the gates to a...

Sep 9, 2023
Robert Kennedy Interviewed on NBC-TV
Sept. 9, 1963 - Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy conceded today that President Kennedy’s drive to pass civil rights legislation is...

Sep 7, 2023
Kennedy Clan Gathers in Hyannis Port
Sept. 7, 1963 - The Kennedy clan hovered about today, paying tribute to its chieftain, Joseph P. Kennedy. Those on hand in Hyannis Port,...

Sep 6, 2023
President Kennedy Celebrates Father’s 75th Birthday
Sept. 6, 1963 - President Kennedy traveled to Hyannis Port, Mass., today to celebrate his father’s 75th birthday. With him were his two...

Sep 6, 2023
President Kennedy Chats with Goldwater
Sept. 6, 1963 - The Air Force brought President Kennedy and one of his severest critics, Senator Barry Goldwater (R-Ariz.), together...

Sep 5, 2023
JFK Welcomes King Mohammad Zahir and Queen Homaira of Afghanistan
Sept. 5, 1963 - Rain dampened but did not wash out the diplomatic welcome President Kennedy tendered today to King Mohammad Zahir and...

Sep 3, 2023
RFK: We’ll Use Troops in Alabama if Necessary
Sept. 3, 1963 - The Government made clear today that Federal troops or marshals would be used if necessary in the latest Alabama school...

Sep 2, 2023
JFK: Civil Rights Could Hurt Reelection Chances
Sept. 2, 1963 - President Kennedy admitted today that the civil rights situation will be an important subject in the 1964 Presidential...

Sep 2, 2023
Walter Cronkite Interviews President Kennedy on CBS-TV
Sept. 2, 1963 - President Kennedy said today that the leaders of South Vietnam should realize that the war against the Communist...

Sep 2, 2023
Wallace Prevents Desegregation of Alabama Schools
Sept. 2, 1963 - Governor George C. Wallace prevented today the start of public school desegregation in Alabama by sealing off Tuskegee...

Aug 30, 2023
President Kennedy First Guest on Walter Cronkite’s Half-Hour News Program
Aug. 30, 1963 - When Walter Cronkite initiates his half-hour television news program on CBS next Monday, President Kennedy will be his...

Aug 29, 2023
Superman and JFK Team Up to Fight Flab
Aug. 29, 1963 - Superman has volunteered to help flabby Americans regain their stamina and muscle tone. The cape-clad comic book hero,...

Aug 27, 2023
JFK to Students: Your Services “Vitally Needed”
Aug. 27, 1963 - President Kennedy urged the youth of America today to seek public office in their nation’s government rather than rely...

Aug 24, 2023
Ike Intends to Play Active Role in Selecting ’64 GOP Nominee
Aug. 24, 1963 - Former President Dwight D. Eisenhower (pictured this month in Normandy) has told close political associates he intends to...

Aug 23, 2023
House Slashes Foreign Aid, JFK Angry
Aug. 23, 1963 - The U.S. House of Representatives today slashed $585 million from the foreign aid authorization recommended by its...

Aug 20, 2023
Two Youngsters Receive “Pupniks” from White House
Aug. 20, 1963 - Pictured left below is Mark Bruce, 9, of Columbia, Mo., being kissed today by a puppy named Streaker at Columbia airport....

Aug 20, 2023
JFK Spars with Republicans
Aug. 20, 1963 - President Kennedy (pictured in 1961) was asked today whether he believed “the radical right” had captured Senator Barry...

Aug 20, 2023
JFK: “I Don’t Think Racial Quotas Are a Good Idea”
Aug. 20, 1963 - President Kennedy said today that he disapproved of employment quotas based on race. This device has been proposed as a...

Aug 19, 2023
Oklahoma Governor Says Goldwater Would Carry Texas, Florida, Oklahoma
Aug. 19, 1963 - Governor Henry Bellmon of Oklahoma (pictured), the lone Republican voice at the Southern Governors Conference, said today...
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