1960s Timeline
Politics | Culture | Entertainment | Sports
Robert and Ethel Kennedy Return from World Tour
Pilot Who Bombed Diem Palace is Interviewed
Robert F. Kennedy Meets with DeGaulle in Paris
South Vietnam: Bombing of Palace Isolated Incident
President Kennedy Comments on Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy's World Tour
Glenn to Congress: Astronauts Will Die
U.S. Officials: Diem in Control in South Vietnam
President Kennedy Speaks to Employees of Voice of America
Feb. 26, 1962 - Robert F. Kennedy Arrives in Paris
Glenn Gets Roaring Welcome Home
Caroline Kennedy to Col. Glenn: "Where's the Monkey?"
South Vietnamese President Diem's Palace Bombed
Colonel Glenn Cheered Along Pennsylvania Avenue
Moscow Denounces Kennedy World Tour
Edward M. Kennedy Visits Irish Kinfolk
All Seven Mercury Astronauts Headed to New York
United States Will Continue Offering All Necessary Aid to Vietnam
Robert F. Kennedy: Democracy is "Wave of the Future"
Communist China Protests American Buildup in Vietnam
Robert F. Kennedy Visits Bonn