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1960s Timeline
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Nov 29, 2021
Rockefeller Returns to New York as Hopes Dim for Missing Son
Nov. 29, 1961 - Governor Rockefeller ended his long journey home today, tired and drawn. Arriving at New York International Airport from...

Nov 27, 2021
Governor Rockefeller Heads Home as Son Remains Missing, Feared Dead
Nov. 27, 1961 - Governor Rockefeller of New York started home today from Dutch New Guinea after authorities there all but abandoned hope...

Nov 23, 2021
11-Year-Old "Bluebelle" Survivor Told that her Family is Dead
Nov. 23, 1961 - Terry Jo Duperrault found out for certain today that her family did not survive the mysterious sinking of the yacht...

Nov 22, 2021
Gov. Rockefeller Joins Search for His Son in New Guinea
Nov. 22, 1961 - Governor Rockefeller (third from right) of New York reached the capital of the southern region of Dutch New Guinea today...

Nov 21, 2021
Coast Guard Investigates "Bluebelle" Captain who Killed Himself
Nov. 21, 1961 - The Coast Guard, pursuing its investigation of the apparent mass killings aboard the sailboat Bluebelle, dug deeper today...

Nov 21, 2021
Governor Rockefeller's Son Michael Still Missing, Feared Dead
Nov. 21, 1961 - Missionaries joined rescue parties combing the jungle marshes of the southwestern New Guinea coast today in hope that...

Nov 20, 2021
"Capeman" Killer Denied Hearing
Nov. 20, 1961 - The Supreme Court today denied a hearing to Salvatore Agron (left), a Puerto Rican boy facing execution in New York for...

Nov 20, 2021
Search Goes On for Missing Rockefeller
Nov. 20, 1961 - The search for Michael Rockefeller was concentrated on the swampy southwest coast of New Guinea today after a rescued...

Nov 20, 2021
Rescued Girl Tells of Mass Killings on Yacht
Nov. 20, 1961 - An 11-year-old girl (pictured), the only survivor of the sailboat Bluebelle, has indicated that the other passengers were...

Nov 19, 2021
Governor Rockefeller's Son Michael Missing in New Guinea
Nov. 19, 1961 - Michael Rockefeller (pictured), the 23-year-old youngest son of New York Governor Nelson Rockefeller, was reported...

Nov 17, 2021
Captain of Sunken Vessel "Bluebelle" a Suicide
Nov. 17, 1961 - A sailing-yacht captain (pictured) who survived a sinking that apparently claimed 5 lives commited suicide today, 24...

Nov 16, 2021
Thirteen Italian Airmen Butchered in Congo
Nov. 16, 1961 - Thirteen captured Italian airmen attached to the U.N. force have been murdered by Congolese soldiers. The Italians had...

Nov 16, 2021
Girl, Near Death, Rescued after Days in Life Raft
Nov. 16, 1961 - A girl who survived the sinking of a yacht in a Bahaman squall Sunday was found on a raft in the Atlantic today. She was...
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