1960s Timeline
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Sec. McNamara Sends Thank-You Letters to Families of Reservists and National Guardsmen
Documentary: "The Truth About Communism," Narrated by Ronald Reagan
General Shoup: Marines Need to Toughen Up
Allies Seek "Live and Let Live" Arrangement in Berlin
East German Border Guards Arrest Three for Waving at Relatives
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Gangster "Crazy" Joe Gallo Gets 7 to 14 Years
U.N. Rejects Proposal to Seat Communist China
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Director Hoover Speaks on Crime and Communism
Khrushchev Says Kennedy Won't Go Communist for a "Very Long Time"
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Castro Embraces Communism
U.N. Ambassador Stevenson Denounces Communist China
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"Crazy" Joe Gallo Convicted of Extortion, Conspiracy
Gangland Leader Joseph Gallo Sent to Jail
Nine Escape East Berlin, Family Left Behind
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