1960s Timeline
Politics | Culture | Entertainment | Sports
Vatican Condemns Soviet Explosion as “True Face” of Communism
Nixon Won’t Run for President in ’64, Will Support “Strongest Candidate”
🚨Soviets Detonate Most Powerful Explosion in History
Johnson: We Mustn't Let Communists Destroy Us from Within
President Kennedy Attends Road-Opening Ceremony in Oklahoma
Secretary Connally May Run for Governor of Texas
Khrushchev Favors Memorial to Stalin’s Victims
President Kennedy Issues 1961 Thanksgiving Proclamation
U.S. and Soviet Tanks Pull Back from Berlin Dividing Line
1960 Republican Delegates Prefer Goldwater for 1964
Vice President Johnson: Communists Undermine U.S.
New York City Mayor Wagner Visits President Kennedy
🚨U.S. and Soviet Tanks Confront Each Other for First Time in Berlin
🚨Thirty-Three Soviet Tanks Move into East Berlin in Show of Force
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Pulitzer Prize Winner Carl Sandburg Visits President Kennedy
President Kennedy Approves Nuclear Explosion for Peaceful Use
State Department Notes “Serious Development” in Berlin
Kennedy to Receive Advice on Broadcasts from TV Producer Fred Coe
Eisenhower Calls Peace Corps “Juvenile Experiment”