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1960s Timeline
Politics | Culture | Entertainment | Sports
Mar 6
Nixon Willing to Accept Republican Nod
Mar. 6, 1964 - Richard M. Nixon said today he was willing to accept the Republican Vice-Presidential nomination again. Mr. Nixon,...
Jul 14, 2023
Rocky Declares War on “Radical Right”
July 14, 1963 - New York Governor Nelson Rockefeller (pictured with his wife, Margaretta “Happy” Rockefeller) declared war on “the...
Dec 8, 2022
GOP Pushes Kennedy to be Tougher on Cuba
Dec. 8, 1962 - Republicans called on President Kennedy today for action toward the “complete elimination” of Communist military power in...
May 23, 2022
Sen. Javits Supports Gov. Rockefeller for President in 1964
May 23, 1962 - Senator Jacob K. Javits today became the first prominent Republican political leader to propose Governor Rockefeller as...
May 23, 2022
Primary Competitor Says Nixon Cannot Win Gubernatorial Contest
May 23, 1962 - Richard M. Nixon cannot win the governorship of California, his rival in the Republican primary, Joseph C. Shell, declared...
Feb 10, 2022
George Romney Will Run for Michigan Governor
Feb. 10, 1962 - George Romney announced today that he would seek the Republican nomination for Governor of Michigan. The 54-year-old...
Feb 2, 2022
Governor Rockefeller Visits Iowa
Feb. 2, 1962 - More than 3,000 Iowa Republicans turned out last night to welcome Governor Rockefeller (pictured) of New York. They seemed...
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