1960s Timeline
Politics | Culture | Entertainment | Sports
Scientists View Space Explosion that Happened 800 Million Years Ago
Mercury-Atlas 4, Carrying Robot, Set to Launch into Orbit this Week
After Orbital Flight, NASA to Move from Project Mercury to Apollo
NASA Deemed Sluggish Out of the Gate in All-Out Race to Moon
NASA hopes to Put American Spaceman in Orbit by End of Year
Second Russian Astronaut Returns Safely to Earth
Soviets Put Second Man Into Space
TV Networks Clarify Policy on Taped Segments after NASA Telecast Controversy
Grissom: Everyone Should Take Space Trip, View "Fascinating"
Goldwater Proud of Astronaut Grissom
President Kennedy Watches Grissom Flight, Calls to Congratulate Astronaut
Grissom Spaceflight a Success
Grissom's Spaceflight Postponed Due to Weather
Congress Backs Kennedy's Space Goal: the Moon before 1970
Grissom Likely Choice for Next Week's Spaceflight
Soviet Astronaut Gagarin Mobbed in London
TV: Color Film of Shepard Spaceflight to Air on NBC
NASA Sub-Orbital Flight Set for Tuesday
Russian Astronaut Gagarin on BBC-TV (Video)